[TenTec] Off topic, sort of

W.D. (Doc) Lindsey dock0evz at earthlink.net
Thu Aug 23 17:08:45 EDT 2007

Rob and Friends:

Hear-Hear.  'Nuf Said.  Now what say we move on, okay.  TIA [gg].


> [Original Message]
> From: Rob Atkinson, K5UJ <k5uj at hotmail.com>
> To: <tentec at contesting.com>
> Date: 8/23/2007 11:04:31 AM
> Subject: Re: [TenTec] Off topic, sort of
> Why is it necessary to bash another manufacturer on the Ten Tec
> If you don't like the way the K3 looks, why not tell them on the Elecraft 
> reflector?
> Since this is the TT reflector, let's talk about ten tec:
> Omni 6?
> 1.  Exposed screw heads on the front panel.
> 2.  Big kit-built looking LEDs.
> 3. Panel lights shining through around button holes.
> Ever seen a Ten Tec with a nice vacuum flourescent display?
> Jupiter:  Big ugly green LCD--they must have gotten a great deal on
> 50,000 of them from somewhere.
> Orion 1:  Monochrome LCD.
> Let's not forget the earlier "project box" rigs like the Tritons and
> Mites.  Oh yeah, Ten Tec hitting lots of home runs.
> You want to talk about other mfr's looks on the TT reflector man, you'd 
> better tell ur doc the meds aren't working.
> 73,
> rob / k5uj
> <<<I'm wondering if others have found the photo of Elecraft's
> forthcoming K-3 to reveal an ugly radio? Is the color really some
> sort of tepid yellow/brown with what appear to be parts bin front
> panel controls?
> It seems to me over the years that Ten-Tec has paid a lot of
> attention to appearance/ergonomics, and both the OMNI VII and the
> Argo V rate very highly in my book. (A TS-870S is not bad, either.)
> Part of enjoying ham radio is having a pleasant experience using the
> rig, and from the looks of it, you may have to get past the looks of
> the K-3 before you can enjoy it.
> John, W3ULS >>>
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