[TenTec] Cyberpower 3000 rif

mcelmer1 mcelmer1 at netecin.net
Wed Dec 5 11:15:55 EST 2007

I suggest connecting the grounds together so they will be at the same 
potential.  I don't expect this to solve the problem but it's worth a shot.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Denton" <denton at oregontrail.net>
To: "Carl Moreschi" <n4py at arrl.net>; "Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment" 
<tentec at contesting.com>
Sent: Wednesday, December 05, 2007 8:46 AM
Subject: [TenTec] Cyberpower 3000 rif

> Have a station consisting of a TT omni vi and vii.....have an rfi 
> problem...
> I have a Cyberpower PR 3000 sine wave ouput, commmercial grade
> uninteruptable power supply that is located in my basement with the case
> grounded to an 8 ft ground rod going thru the basement wall. The input to
> the ups is on an individual circut.
> Output via the ups 30 amp 120 vac goes to the radio station on the main
> floor, which shares an outlet with the radio station's power supplies and
> the pc.
> Battery pack for the Cyberpower is homebrew using two gangs of 4 38 amp 
> hour
> gas absorption mat batteries wired in series to satisfy the ups 48 vdc
> requirement.
> I notice there is considerable rfi comming from the ups when it is active.
> The ups is supposed to be emi/rfi filtered and has an isolation 
> transformer
> on the ups output. Scoping the output of the ups indicates a so called 
> clean
> ac sine wave. Testing of the ac line input and output of the usp indicates
> correct wiring.
> Clamp on ferrite chokes on the ac output of the ups has little effect.
> I would like to get rid of the rfi into the radio station. Rfi is most
> prevalent on 40 thru 20 meters..the other bands seem to be uneffected.
> Radio station is heavly grounded on its own ground rod system, not 
> directly
> connected to the ups.
> I could run the hf transcievers on a dedicated circut with a
> powersupply--blocking diode---battery pack, but would much prefer to keep 
> it
> all on the same power source.
> Any ideas? Thanks....
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