[TenTec] Subject: Abbreviations used by amateurs.doc

Lyle Dunlap qskqrq at grics.net
Wed Dec 5 15:23:09 EST 2007

David, Carl es Ron,

Time has a way of changing things, its called progress, perhaps but not 
always.  Hi

Was a time when calling "CW TEST" had nothing to do with contesting 
whatsoever.  It ment you were looking for someone to do some checking with. 
Most of us built our own stuff and frequently needed someone to test things 
out with.

I just thought this 1938 list of abbreviations would be of some interest. 
Have no particular axe to grind but seems some of our more modern slang has 
gotten out of hand and a bit ridiculous.

Spent lots of circuit time having to conform to strict rules using Q and Z 
signals.  I have a list here of some rather odd and very  unofficial Q sigs 
if anyone interested.

 Lyle W9FCX
qskqrq at grics.net

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