[TenTec] 40M Band Sweeps

Paul Christensen w9ac at arrl.net
Thu Dec 6 07:17:08 EST 2007

Not exactly related to TT, but since so many TT users operate on 40M, I'll 
throw this out...

I have been noticing an alarming amount of band sweep activity lately.  It 
occurs where someone keys their transmitter and quickly sweeps the band from 
7.0 - 7.3 MHz.  I see this activity all day long on 40M and it appears to 
come from multiple sources.

As best as I can tell, folks are trying to sweep their antenna systems, but 
this is occurring at least once every 5-10 minutes.  The rate of sweep is 
constant, so it may be that a common piece of software or test gear is 
responsible?  I'm not sure what these people are trying to accomplish with 
these repetitive sweeps all day long.

Anyone else notice this behavior, especially on 40M lately?

Paulm W9AC 

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