[TenTec] Ten-Tec commitment to customers...

Paul Gates, KD3JF pearly732003 at yahoo.com
Fri Dec 14 18:17:09 EST 2007

Man, Grant, this was beautiful... Loved every word!

Paul, KD3JF

Grant Youngman <nq5t at tx.rr.com> wrote: > Orion II firmware update was made in May 07.  Not quite what 
> I expected from 
> the promise to keep my radio upgraded.  

I'm sitting here trying to figure out what you guys want.  1KW tranmitter
firmware?  dc to light receive firmware?  CW decoders? A driver for your new
52" plasma display? Teleportation technology?  Fully automatic contest
participation?  Menu selectable cabinet colors?

Seriously, there are still some things all of us would like to see
"improved", depending or whether your point of view is that something is
broken, or "it doesn't work the way I want it to and I paid for it to work
THE WAY I WANT IT TO", or I couldn't break the pileup because I couldn't
hear the guy (and you think you would have heard him on something else?), or

If you believe spending a few more kilobucks on some other radio will take
you to Nirvana, then you haven't owned many radios.

And if you have a grumble about actual support, then you also haven't owned
many radios from other vendors.


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