[TenTec] Centurion QSK board Mod

Jim jlboockh at earthlink.net
Sun Dec 16 18:44:32 EST 2007

I have been using an older Centurion with my Omni VI (Option 3) for 
years with no such problem. I have not done this mod.

Jim  N4AL


Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2007 10:39:04 -0600
From: <atrampler at att.net>
Subject: [TenTec] Centurion QSK board Mod
To: "Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment" <tentec at contesting.com>
Message-ID: <001d01c84002$2c12a1f0$6400a8c0 at ouropteron>
Content-Type: text/plain;	charset="iso-8859-1"

I purchased a Centurion that was being used with an Orion.  The previous owner had made the mod recommended by Ten-Tec:  

"Note for older 422 Centurion amp owners: Using an older Centurion with the newest Ten-Tec HF transceivers - Pegasus, Jupiter, and Orion - may require a small modification to the QSK board in older Centurion amps for proper QSK CW keying. Short diode D2 (red diode, 1N4148, next to Q1) with a jumper wire. The current 422B does not require this modification."

I have an Omni VI.  Should I undo that modification, or is it benign?  Could it be the cause of the buzzing I detect at the relay?

Any thoughts are appreciated.

Art, K?RO

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