Stuart Rohre rohre at arlut.utexas.edu
Wed Dec 19 15:42:26 EST 2007

I am not sure the demand is there for TT to ramp up production on Scout band 
modules.   Over a period of years, I would estimate that maybe 3 dozen 
queries for modules have come over the list.  Not economical quantities to 
justify new production.

One of the more expensive aspects would be the making of the custom 
enclosures.  I am sure they have to be produced in lots greater than 100 to 
keep costs below what the going price on used market is for individual 

The Scout is a mature product.  While I enjoy mine, I am glad I got modules 
for ALL bands, even though some I never use.   I look at it as a way to have 
maximum resale value if I ever decide to sell the radio.   (Since I still 
have every transmitter I ever owned, the prospect of selling is not likely.)

The circuit boards in the module are not complicated.
One could substitute prototype board material, and most components could be 
found.  The RF connection for the filter is power coaxial connectors as used 
for battery powered equipment.  The other board uses edge card contacts. 
You could probably glue up a module housing from hobby shop plastic sheet.

Maybe Ten Tec would license a small shop to make third party replacement 
modules.  I am afraid, though, that it would not be a profit making 
business, but might be something a hobby business might do. 

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