[TenTec] question

Bob McGraw - K4TAX RMcGraw at Blomand.net
Fri Dec 21 19:50:18 EST 2007

Per the Omni VII manual the cables are as follows;

White = pin 1 on the DIN connector = Line level input to radio
Yellow = pin 4 on the DIN connector = Line level output to computer
Red = pin 5 on the DIN connector = FSK  {not used}
Black = pin 3 on the DIN connector = PTT  {not used}

I have found that standard 1/8" phone plugs on one cable end and male RCA 
plugs on the other end, i.e. standard audio cables from Radio Shack, will 
plug direct into the sound card jacks and to the Tentec supplied cable.  No 
interface is needed as one should connect line in to line out and line out 
to line in.  Both ends are unbalanced and as long as the computer and the 
radio share the same 3rd pin ground connection, which they should, no 
interface or hum problems or RFI is experienced.  Thus, no transformers, no 
level controls, no attenuators.  Otherwise, it doesn't get any simpler than 
this.  On the radio, via the menu, be sure to turn on the line input and 
turn off the mike input.

I operate PSK-31, RTTY and PACTOR with this configuration.  I allow the VOX 
to handle the TX/RX switching by setting the VOX Hang to 0%.  Adjust the 
line gain for some 75% and adjust the sound card level via the internal 
mixer so as to drive at a level that causes the ALC led to just flicker and 
then back off a wee bit.  For receive, adjust the mixer line input for the 
correct level as required by the software.  I use MixW2 for my applications.

Some have said that a transformer is needed for isolation.  I have yet to 
conclude any reason for the extra parts.

Bob,  K4TAX

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "John" <brazos at rochester.rr.com>
To: "Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment" <tentec at contesting.com>
Sent: Friday, December 21, 2007 3:52 PM
Subject: [TenTec] question

>I asked TT to send me the cable needed to use digital moded software with 
>my O2 . they sent me a cable with din plug on one end and four rca female 
>plugs on the other end being yellow ,red,blk,and white. my computer has no 
>rca male plugs to match the rca female plug how do I hook up my OII to the 
>computer so I can use rtty and other software digital comm?    John kb2huk
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