[TenTec] LDG tuner in O II?

Dennis OConnor ad4hk2004 at yahoo.com
Thu Dec 27 08:22:21 EST 2007

Two years ago I bought the AT200 Pro... This was for CQWW where I needed an extra tuner on a multiplier antenna... The O2 internal tuner was off because I was switching between multiple antennas on the same band at the same frequency... Most antennas were resonant and the one wasn't, so adding a  tuner so that antenna looked resonant was the simple answer that didn't involve me remembering to push switches at 3AM to match the selected antenna...  OK, so that's how it came to be here...
  After that contest the antennas changed again <as always> and it didn't have a job anymore.. So it has been relegated to buffering the output of the Omni 6 / SGC500 into an all band vertical <piece of crap, but handy for multiplier hunting>...  The SGC puts out 600 watts when goosed, so I have had to be very carefull. But by carefully increasing the output of the amp until the 250 watt bar on the AT200  'just' lights up it has survived and thrived now for some 18 months...  
  The bonus is the large power bars are readable 20 feet away, so the tuner sits on top of the wall mounted amp and I can look across the shop as I tune and operate and still read the 'meter'....
  On direct comparisons the SGC tuner seems to have a bit wider matching range than the Orion 2 tuner...

denny / k8do
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