[TenTec] Nother' discovery about the Corsair & Titan

Bob McGraw - K4TAX RMcGraw at Blomand.net
Mon Dec 31 14:03:53 EST 2007

WOW.  OK then I'd first suspect that the Vcc from the power supply might be 
enough different to cause about 10% or so power difference.  That could be 
also due to DC cable lengths or connectors.  Then too, there is a Power 
Setting  pot in the Omni V and VI and VI Plus as well as others that does 
make the difference in output.    I'd expect the radios to show 100 watts 
+/- 10%.  However even with a +/- 10 watts or so of drive with the 425 that 
makes a lot of difference in output vs. drive.

Frankly I'd say the Corsair needs to be looked at as the power seems too 
high.   The numbers on the Omni V look about correct.  This is based on the 
measurements I've made and the ones I've repaired.    I normally look at the 
power output on all the bands, then select the highest one and adjust for 
about 10% above 100 watts.  That usually takes care of the power on 10M 
which is typically the lowest.

 As long as you used the same power measurement device, cables, 
configuration and such,  then the comparison is reasonably accurate for 
these discussions.

Bob, K4TAX

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Gary Smith" <Gary at doctorgary.net>
To: <Tentec at contesting.com>
Sent: Monday, December 31, 2007 11:04 AM
Subject: Re: [TenTec] Nother' discovery about the Corsair & Titan

> Hi Bob,
> Same connectors & all that, just changed the radios. I knew it was
> higher output with the corsair but you asked a good question that
> begs an answer & since the Omni isn't packed to go yet, here's some
> results that I'm taking off the watt meter in the MFJ 3KW tuner (So
> #s are suspect... but the changes are with the same equipment.
>              Corsair             Omni V
> 10M      105W                 100W
> 15M      123W                 100W
> 20M     120W                   90W
> 40M     145W                  105W
> 80M     152W                  110W
> 160M    160W                  120W
> The Corsair does indeed have a greater output.
> Happy New Year!
> Gary
> Gary
>> Ever tried to actually measure the output of the two radios?   I'd
>> think they would be about the same.  Might be wise to look at the
>> power level between the radio and the amp with the two radios. Also,
>> look at the SWR as cable lengths, types, connectors and etc. might
>> have something to do with it.
>> Happy New Year to all.  Hope to hear you on SKN.
>> 73
>> Bob, K4TAX
>> ----- Original Message ----- 
>> From: "Gary Smith" <Gary at doctorgary.net>
>> To: <tentec at contesting.com>
>> Sent: Monday, December 31, 2007 9:35 AM
>> Subject: [TenTec] Nother' discovery about the Corsair & Titan
>> > Hi,
>> >
>> > Just a quick followup on an observation; I notice the Corsair must
>> > have a greater output than the Omni as it easily drives the 425 to
>> > full output with considerable more available drive to go.
>> >
>> > The Titan gets up there with the Omni V but I have to use all the
>> > output it gives to get to the red bar.
>> >
>> > I really do love this old Corsair II workhorse and it really hears
>> > beautifully. Too bad it doesn't interface with the computer...
>> >
>> > Happy New Year!
>> >
>> > Gary
>> > KA1J
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