[TenTec] Opinions wanted please about getting a second qrp rig

jones_winston at bellsouth.net jones_winston at bellsouth.net
Mon Feb 12 15:47:17 EST 2007

Sorry, Frank. I don't have a digital camera to take a photo of my Scout. However, if you go to the Ten-Tec 
web site, choose used equipment, it refers you to an unofficial web site that shows photos and specs 
of old Ten-Tec gear. 
Naturally, I don't want to sell my Scout. It's my backup to the Jupiter and I still enjoy using it for its 
simplicity. I see a lot advertised now.
73, Winston  K4CWQ

> From: Wb5jvt at aol.com
> Date: 2007/02/12 Mon PM 12:24:53 EST
> To: tentec at contesting.com
> Subject: Re: [TenTec] Opinions wanted please about getting a second qrp rig
> Thank you very much Winston. This is what I needed to hear.
> IF you have digital camera I wonder if you could take a couple of pictures  
> of you case. I used to use hasselblad cameras and had foam lined cases. I know  
> how to make these.
> Thanks again
> Frank in Amarillo 
> _wb5jvt at aol.com_ (mailto:wb5jvt at aol.com) 
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