[TenTec] 6M with HF

ron roncasa at verizon.net
Thu Feb 22 20:01:21 EST 2007

But they used "mechanical" means of operation; their "auto tuner" 
for example, took a long to tune because it used motors!


Even their "QSK" was mechanical and still is!

U S of A came out out with all solid state, first.
I do not remember about solid state memory keyers, but didn't 
Heathkit come out with them before JA?

They are, as combined ham radio companies, appear to influence the 
market, thus you see them "first" in their radios. But technology, 
for most part, no.

On the other hand, they do well with automobiles as opposed to us 
but now I'm getting off topic. Sorry (smile)

Ron, wb1hga
'the 516 is a keeper"

>>The JA companies were the first offer rigs with an
>>internal antenna tuner, a memory keyer, and memories.
>>73s John W5TD

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