[TenTec] ARRL

Ken Brown ken.d.brown at hawaiiantel.net
Fri Feb 23 02:20:14 EST 2007

"but Ten-Tec has QSK!"

Recalling a discussion on this reflector, or perhaps it was the CW 
reflector, a couple of years back, I must say that is a matter of opinion.

My opinion is that my Omni VI has the best QSK I have ever experienced. 
Some of the other opinions expressed in that thread were interesting. 
One guy said it is not true QSK unless you have a separate receiving 
site and can listen on frequency DURING your own transmission, not just 
between dits. Another guy seemed to think if you could hear a relay 
clicking, it is not QSK, regardless of any other performance parameter. 
Some said you have to hear between elements (dits or dahs) not just 
between characters, to call it QSK. That would be about where I draw the 
line too.

I don't recall ever seeing much measured data of QSK performance. CW 
keying envelopes are standard in QST reviews. I'd like also to see 
"between the transmitted elements" receiver performance data. Anyone 
know of some measured data comparisons of QSK performance of various rigs?


Ron Notarius W3WN wrote:
> Yes John, but Ten-Tec has QSK!  (Oh yeah, I see over on the other list that
> you knew that... so I promise not to bring up great service, either...)

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