[TenTec] Commercial CW License

JAMES HANLON knjhanlon at msn.com
Sat Feb 24 11:42:38 EST 2007

This is a snip from this week's ARRL Letter that will be of interest to those considering a Commercial CW License.

Jim, W8KGI  

FCC says no commercial credit for prior military, ham radio, experience:
The FCC has told a California radio amateur that it will not waive a
commercial license application rule on the basis of his Amateur Radio Morse
code qualifications. Last April, Robert E. Griffin, K6YR, of San Luis
Obispo, applied for an FCC First Class Radiotelegraph Operator's Certificate
-- known as a T1 license -- requesting a waiver of §13.201(b)(1)(iv). That
rule says T1 applicants must have a year's experience "sending and receiving
public correspondence by radiotelegraph at a public coast station, a ship
station, or both." Griffin, who's ARRL Santa Barbara Section Manager and
transmits the West Coast Qualifying Run on approximately 3.590 MHz, argued
that the FCC should waive the rule because it's nearly impossible in an era
of the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) to acquire the
requisite experience and that the rule presented "an unreasonable hardship
and a burdensome requirement." He sought credit on the basis of his military
and Amateur Radio radiotelegraph experience, including participation in the
Military Affiliate Radio System, in lieu of experience at a public coast
station or ship station. In a letter
<http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-07-783A1.pdf<about:blank>> February
22, the FCC said Griffin failed to demonstrate that the rule in question was
"inequitable or burdensome" insofar as all T1 applicants face the same
requirement, and it denied Griffin's request. "A request for relief from the
existing requirement of §13.201(b)(1)(iv) would better be addressed in a
rule making proceeding, rather than through the waiver process," the FCC

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