[TenTec] Price a Hercules II

Clark Savage Turner csturner at kcbx.net
Sun Feb 25 17:25:58 EST 2007

Hey all -

Been lying low for a while, so I don't know the price range for the 
Hercules II...  anyone give me a tip?  I have one in my garage I got 
NOS about 10 years ago and used it for a few hours on three occasions, 
its been on the shelf covered up since.  I am mostly QRP and get up to 
100 watts and its always enough :-)    Went and bought myself a new 
guitar and mandolin, now I need to cover that expense.  Coupla rigs and 
things (I've gathered so many over the last several years!)

I imagine 250-300 for a 238 tuner in nice shape?

Clark Savage Turner, J.D., Ph.D.
Professor of Computer Science
Cal Poly State University
San Luis Obispo, CA. 93407

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