[TenTec] Omni VI Keyer Speed Control

VE1BN ve1bn at eastlink.ca
Thu Jan 11 11:11:43 EST 2007

Hi John -

Have not located the pot value on my OMNI 6+ schematic either.
Now I'm as curious as you are. My pot covers over full two dial marks 
(55 degrees) between 15 and 30 wpm.

Not much room for a 10-T pot though behind the panel.

Think the best approach is to contact Don Prouty at T-T. Just the 
cost of a phone call to find out without having to lay the front 
panel down and measure it yourself.  

I don't use the built-in keyer, just a CMOS Superkeyer 3 instead.

73 -  Don

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