[TenTec] Omni VI Keyer Speed Control

VE1BN ve1bn at eastlink.ca
Thu Jan 11 18:03:40 EST 2007

John -

Right - my keyer is also kit made.  Dave Bowker has suggested 
a sure way to measure the value of the pot, and a way to broaden 
the control's range. Give him a shout for the info he will give you.

Don't quite understand Paul's answer, perhaps he didn't quite 
follow what you were asking him. Follow Dave's advice, pull the pot
plug from the logic board and measure the pot's value.  Probably in 
the 10K range. A 5K 1/8 watt resistor across the outer ends of the 
pot, or across a two wire system if used, should broaden the range 
quite nicely.  Worth a try.

Nothing to do with the immediaate problem,  but here's what I did 
with my keyer: Added a small board to my Superkeyer 3 to avoid the 
iambic operation. I like squeeze keying and makes a lot less finger 
work to produce CW.  If you are interested I can send you the 
schematic and a pix of the installed board inside the keyer chassis.
A simple job.

73 -  Don

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