[TenTec] Orion 11

Kim Elmore cw_de_n5op at sbcglobal.net
Fri Jan 12 19:20:46 EST 2007

Hi Bob,

I'll chime in here and I must agree with K4IA: either of these is way 
more radio than you need. You are in a rural, radio-quiet area. You 
probably don;t have anyone close by with a rock-crushing signal, so 
you don't need the Howitzer-proof front end of the Orion II.

These radios represent a large investment. Uif you plan on becoming 
deeply involved with HF operating, then you would be well served by 
either of these two radios. But think carefully about what you want 
to do on HF. If your desire is more casual and you still want to buy 
a new radio, the TenTec Jupiter or the IC 7000 may be a better fit.

Kim Elmore, N5OP 

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