[TenTec] which radio?

Craig Roberts crgrbrts at verizon.net
Sat Jan 13 01:21:36 EST 2007

Speaking of my little Argosy -- it's time to rebuild the PTO.  It's not 
all that flaky, but could use the attention anyway.  Besides, i have a 
ten Tec PTO rebuild kit on hand, so why not do it?

The first step. of course, is to remove the PTO.  How does one do this?  
I'd rather learn the procedure from someone who's "been there" than to 
tear down the rig more than necessary.  I'm guessing the PTO is held in 
place by screws behind the front panel since I see no other obvious 
anchor points. It also looks as if wires need to be unsoldered from 
feed-through terminals and a ground lug on one side of the unit -- but 
that's it.  Am I correct?

Many thanks and 73,


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