[TenTec] code speed

Gary Hoffman ghoffman at spacetech.com
Mon Jan 15 20:34:07 EST 2007

Isn't it just amazing that in the middle of a world war, someone could
bother to be upset by "4Q"  ?

Maybe in between machine gunning people and dropping bombs on them ?


73 de Gary, AA2IZ

----- Original Message ----- 
From: <w8au at sssnet.com>
To: <tentec at contesting.com>
Sent: Sunday, January 14, 2007 11:21 PM
Subject: Re: [TenTec] code speed

> At 06:28 PM 1/14/07, Curt Gamble wrote:
> >Another funny incident on a Navy practice cw circuit in Norfolk in mid
> >60's some operator sent the following.
> >"Mississippi sissies are sissier than Tennessee sissies" as fast as
> >possible. They called all the logs in so they could
> >figure who sent it and this individual got a few demerits on that
> >one.
> An associate of mine who was an Army radio op during WW2 said that
> they occasionally signed off with "4Q."  To which the other op would
> reply "4Q2."   This upset the monitors who sent messages to all
> commands to cease this activity. :-)
> I don't recall ever hearing that the Navy ops did this...   Either
> the Army ops were cruder, or the Navy ops weren't as creative... :-)
> w8au
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