[TenTec] QSK - was Omni VI vs Orion

Dennis OConnor ad4hk2004 at yahoo.com
Thu Jan 18 07:49:35 EST 2007

Just a minor quibble: with the Orion set up for normal operating, with
8msec risetime (as discussed ad nauseum in the past) and 50% weighting
on the transmitted cw - I'm skeptical about true unmuting of the main
receiver between dit characters at an actual 30wpm.
  Well Barry, I don't know what to say... You are one of the posters I normally give credence...  It must be my lieing ears then, because I DO hear what is going on the frequency during transmit - even with the Titan in line... 
  Now whether the receiver(s) are completely unmuted I cannot say, but I can hear other stations  transmit while I am... I can hear the DX go CQ back in my face, etc... 30wpm may be an exaggeration - I normally have the Orion showing 26-28 on the screen when working during good contest conditions... I usually use 18-20 on 160 for non-contesting given the conditions there...  30-32 is mainly used near the end of a 48 hour grind where everyone is up to speed after 2 days of code practice  and all I am doing is short, snappy, CQs...
  So how do we go about testing this?
  denny / k8do

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