[TenTec] OMNI SIX problems

Fraser Robertson g4bjm at hotmail.com
Thu Jan 18 12:23:37 EST 2007

Our club has an Omni6+, a fairly old model with option 3.  I've nulled the 
carrier on it several times but it soon drifts out of null again.  The 
suppression on LSB I think I recall correctly is particularly poor, due to 
the filter being assymetrical.  Overall the rig is pretty poor on SSB.  Is 
there a cure, at least for the carrier null drift?

73 Fraser G4BJM

>   Bob, this is something you could probably do yourself but not only will 
>   need a VTVM but an RF probe and most of all the Ten Tec alignment 
>process to
>   null the carrier.
>   I don't think TT will give out that service information.
>   Could be someone on the list has it.
>   And, you might find that the carrier won't null in which case another
>   component has gone bad and you will need to track it down.
>   Very seldom will a rig just go out of alignment all by itself unless you
>   replaced something in the circuit.
>   You should not go about trimming any pots before checking  for that type 
>   problem.
>   Dan/N4VET

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