[TenTec] ADMIN: Re: Orion I and II on Ebay

Jim Lowman jmlowman at sbcglobal.net
Fri Jan 19 21:14:43 EST 2007

Brett, there's no need to leave the list.  Too bad that I didn't catch 
you before you unsubscribed.

You did the right thing by apologizing quickly and were a man about it, 
which I respect.

The others had no business trying to run you off.  You are welcome to 
return at any time.

73 de Jim - AD6CW
List Administrator

snowhillfarms at peoplepc.com wrote:

>Please accept my humblest apology for posting anything pertaining to Ebay.
>Will a group owner or moderator please remove the illegal post? Thank you
>for all the information I have learned on Ten-Tec Orion's. I am
>unsubscribing from the reflector as soon as this post is made. I'm truly
>sorry for any inconvenience I may have caused.
>73 to all
>Brett KC9KID

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