[TenTec] AM Receiver distortion in Orion II

Ron Castro ronc at sonic.net
Fri Jan 26 15:38:12 EST 2007


Check my website again for an update on what you heard.  After an e-mail 
from TT, I learned that the hang time of the AGC must be increased to 3-4 
seconds to alleviate the distortion.  So I made another recording, which is 
posted at:


There are two clips of an single transmission from a short-wave broadcast 
station on 40 meters.  The recording was made in stereo using the Aux 
outputs of both receivers into a Berhringer mixer (no processing or EQ) with 
both receivers fed from the same antenna using a 'Tee' connector.  The 870 
was on the left channel and the Orion II on the right with both outputs 
recorded simultaneously.  The high frequency cut-offs were carefully 
adjusted using random noise and the spectrum analyzer in Audio Test Bench so 
that both had their -3dB points set the same.  Low frequency roll offs were 
set as low as possible (PBT=0 on the Orion II, Lo Cut=0 on the 870) and 
audio levels were set as close as possible to each other.  Recording was 
done in 44.1 kHz .WAV file in SAW Plus32 and the channels then split into 
two separate files which were then converted to MP3 using Ultimate Encoder 
at 128 kbps.  The AGC was at the AM default level on the 870, and 7 dB/sec 
on the O2 with 4.00 seconds of hang time.

The improvement is remarkable.  There is slightly less bass on the Orion and 
both radio's AGC actions were different, but otherwise distortion, 
especially during deep fades, was nearly the same in both with a slight 
subjective advantage going to the Orion II.  Also, the Orion II has less 
op-amp noise when listening in the headphones than the aging TS-870. 
Considering the legendary audio of the 870, that's a very good report for 
the Ten Tec!

TT says they will address the issue in a future update.

      Ron N6IE
(Formerly N6AHA)

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "James C. Owen, III" <k4cgy_list at yahoo.com>
To: "Ron Castro" <ronc at sonic.net>; "Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment" 
<tentec at contesting.com>
Sent: Friday, January 26, 2007 12:11 PM
Subject: Re: [TenTec] AM Receiver distortion in Orion II

> Hi Ron,
>   I hear a difference but I wouldn't classify it as distortion
> or muddy. What it sounds like to me is the Orion II has much more
> bass boost than the TS-870 or the TS-870 has bass cut or boosted
> Treble. How did you record this? Did you take if directly from
> the speaker? or did you use the line output? The TT speaker I
> think has much more bass than most of the other speakers. In fact
> when I first put the TT speaker on my Jupiter I almost took it
> out of line and put the old Motorola mobile speaker I was using
> back on. The mobile speaker allowed many more highs to pass or
> cut the low's or both. But after using the TT speaker a few days
> I realized that it gave much better reception as far as reduced
> interference from nearby stations and even the NR worked better.
> However if I was going to use it a lot on broadcast I would go
> back to the speaker with the greater highs.
> 73 Jim K4CGY
> --- Ron Castro <ronc at sonic.net> wrote:
>> One of the items on my "wish list" for the Orion II is to fix
>> the AM receive audio, which sounds to me like a problem in the
>> DSP code that causes distortion and 'muddy' sound.  It's most
>> noticeable during selective fades that cause a serious clipping
>> effect.  Last night, I made an MP3 of a local AM radio station
>> comparing the O2 to a TS-870, and sent it to TT service.  This
>> morning, TT said they couldn't hear any difference between the
>> two receivers.  Is it my ears or what?  The link to the clip is
>> below.  The O2 is the first 60 seconds and the 870 is the
>> second 60 seconds.  Bandwidth on the O2 is 6 kHz, while the 870
>> is 3 kHz, although as you'll hear, it sounds just the opposite!
>> http://n6ie.com/OrionII_vs_870.mp3
>> Can anyone besides me hear the difference?
>>       Ron N6IE
>>  www.N6IE.com
>> (Formerly N6AHA)
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