Pfizenmayer pfizenmayer at worldnet.att.net
Sat Jan 27 21:32:24 EST 2007

George - There is a trick whick may or may not nelp your firmware dsp 
blanker (not HW blanker)- I operate mostly cw with 300 hz filter and DSP 
even narrower  and on some noises I find that forcing the roofing filter 
bandwidth up to 2.4 or 6 khz really makes it perform. Of course you are back 
to the same problems if you have strong signals inside the 6 khz bw.

 Anyhow I stumbled into this one day when I noticed the NB  in the sub 
receiver seemed to worke pretty well and on the main did nothing. The sub of 
course has a wide if for the dsp nb to work on.

 73 de Hank K7HP

> The hardware noise blanker is too aggressive in my Orion2. I have power 
> line noise on 160 meters and a variable HW noise blanker would be useful 
> if it could be cut back some. Currently, when I invoke the HW blanker, and 
> there are strong signals near the listening frequency, it is murder on the 
> listening frequency.
> My question is: Why would Ten Tec not have allowed for a variable HW noise 
> blanker in this high end radio? The SW blanker is useless.
>        Does anyone else have this problems with the O2 HW noise blanker 
> with near by strong signals up and down the band creating problems to the 
> listening frequency?
>    Thanks.
>    George  W2YJ

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