[TenTec] Orion II key click report

Martin AA6E aa6e at ewing.homedns.org
Sun Jan 28 15:22:02 EST 2007

I have found that v2 firmware has poorer keyclick results than v1 on my 
Orion.  It's not just a question of rise time, but the shaping (raised 
cosine) of the wave -- gradual transitions at start and finish of the 
key-up or key-down ramp.  V2 seemed to have poorer shaping, especially 
when the power setting was < 100.  This problem may carry over to the 
Orion II, and the situation may get worse when you're using an amp.  I 
don't have a scope with delayed sweep - that's what I really need!

You can check my efforts at

My advice is to run with as long a rise time as you can, consistent with 
your keying speed.

73 Martin AA6E

William Q Meeker wrote:
> I have been playing in the CQ WW 160 meter contest over the weekend. 
> Last night another ham, about 20 miles away spotted me on the cluster 
> with the comment "with clicks." I am using my Orion II (version 
> 2.037j) and was running close to the legal power limit (Alpha 99) 
> with a separate receiving antenna so that I do not have to exercise 
> the A99's relays.
> After that report came through I immediately checked the setting in 
> the Orion II and it was at the recommended default of 5 ms, and 
> because I have never had any other reports like this in the 5 months 
> that I have had the Orion II, and I know that strong stations can 
> overload a receiver to cause clicks, I just continued on.
> This morning, after the band closed, I hooked up my monitor scope to 
> have a look. The wave form looks good, but I have not figured out 
> some kind of standard so that I can measure the exact rise/fall time. 
> In looking at the archives of this list I saw an old posting that had 
> measured the actual rise/fall times against the settings and found 
> that the actual times were less. To be safe, for now I changed the 
> Orion II to 7 ms.
> A few questions:
> 1. Has anyone measured the rise/fall times in this version of the 
> Orion 2? How accurate is the rise/fall time setting of the Orion II? 
> And of course, as a statistician, I wonder if this is consistent over 
> different units. If several people have done the measurements, we 
> could sort this out.
> 2. If my rise/fall times are set a 5 ms, and the wave form shape has 
> the right shape on my scope, could I still be creating objectionable clicks?
> 3. What other things should I do to check for the clicks?
> 4. In the Orion II manual (October 2006 version) on page 31 is says 
> that   "For external keying the rise fall times available are 3ms to 
> 5ms regardless of the keyer speed." I can adjust between 3 and 10, so 
> I suppose that this is a typo?
> Bill
> K0KT
> William Q. Meeker
> Department of Statistics
> 304C Snedecor Hall
> Iowa State University
> Ames, Iowa 50011
> Phone: 515-294-5336
> Fax: 515-294-4040
> Home Fax: 515-232-1323
> www.public.iastate.edu/~wqmeeker 
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