[TenTec] [Orion] "Technical Correspondence", August 2007 issue

Mike K9MI k9mi at sbcglobal.net
Thu Jul 26 17:50:43 EDT 2007

Paul, I hit "send" too fast. My real reply should be in the achieve.

I'm definitely against a Ten Tec "do it all" radio (vhf, uhf, 220, 1.2 gig). 
Someone was complaining that there 706 did it all and only cost x amount of 
dollars.  Why didn't the Orion work on all those other bands? My comment had 
something to do with "let's stick to a good hf rig". I've not seen an hf, 
vhf , uhf, etc etc, rig that rig that compares to Ten Tec hf rigs.

Sorry for the confusion. If Ten Tec keeps on doing 160-10 as well as they 
always have, that is fine with me. I saw that  and said nasty words. Check 
another message from me and you'll understand I don't want a Ten Tec all 
band rig.

Chow call...

73 Mike

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Paul Gates, KD3JF" <pearly732003 at yahoo.com>
To: "Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment" <tentec at contesting.com>
Sent: Thursday, July 26, 2007 21:20
Subject: Re: [TenTec] [Orion] "Technical Correspondence", August 2007 issue

> Mike that is the problem with the 706 having VHF, UHF. If I had a radio 
> which was for 160-10 I would be happy. You know why I feel that way? I am 
> not an engineer! I am not a complainer. I have a 706 MKIIG and my TenTec 
> Triton IV handles noise a lot better than the 706.
> Mike K9MI <k9mi at sbcglobal.net> wrote:
>> "Looking forward to the Orion III, which hopefully will also have 6, 2,
>> and
>> 440, making it the only radio one would EVER need (after all, why should
>> my
>> little cheap IC706 Mk2G have this and not my Orion?)!  C'mon TT, capture
>> the
>> market!"
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