[TenTec] Low power output on Argonaut V

Bob Towers mm0rkt at beeb.net
Tue Jul 31 10:24:29 EDT 2007

K4IA at aol.com wrote:
> Blown diodes are usually the problem and that seems easy enough to fix but  I 
> understand you have to completely disassemble the radio (seem to recall you  
> had to remove the finals) to get to them.  It cost me about $150 to have TT  
> make the fix because of the amount of labor time involved.
> Check back in the archives as I recall seeing instructions on how to do  it.  
> Knowing my limitations, I concluded it was best for me to give up  and let TT 
> do the repair.  Maybe TT has a service bulleting or instructions  they could 
> send you.  
> Craig  "Buck"
> k4ia
Thanks, Craig, for your comments.

Rick, VE7TK, sent me a link to his website and the instructions on how 
to do the disassembly.

I knew it was tedious, but....



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