[TenTec] Gauge of wire from power supply question?

Dr. Gerald N. Johnson geraldj at storm.weather.net
Wed Jun 6 23:47:43 EDT 2007

On Wed, 2007-06-06 at 19:14 -0500, Stuart Rohre wrote:
> Jerry makes a good point.  The AC ampacity of wires is not solely sufficient 
> for  DC, and is imperfect at longer lengths for AC drops.  Consider the 
> voltage is rising and falling at the frequency of  the AC potential, while 
> the DC is heating the wire continuously while in use.

But we measure AC in RMS which has the same heating value as that same
current DC.
> I have noticed Kenwood is more generous with their size of cables than some 
> manufacturers.  Most hams probably at some point have to custom make their 
> cables for mobile or home applications, so I simply am advocating a 
> conservative cable sizing for ham transceivers.
> -Stuart
Yes, Kenwood and Yaesu use a pair of 14s for hot and another pair for
ground. Each wire has a connector pin at the radio too.

Maybe those are even 12s on some radios. Lots more copper than single

73, Jerry, K0CQ

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