[TenTec] Multiple Orion Antennas

Ken Brown ken.d.brown at hawaiiantel.net
Sat Jun 16 21:14:21 EDT 2007

Hi Robert,

I cannot tell you about the relay arrangement or power handling capacity 
of any possible terminations inside the Orion. I can however suggest a 
method of determining what kind of power, or voltages the 
non-transmitting port of the Omni might have presented to it.

Measure it with a scope before you connect it to the Orion. You might 
try with and without a 50 ohm termination Tee-d to the scope input. A 50 
MHz rated scope would be good enough. Transmit on each band and each 
transmit antenna with the maximum power you expect ever to use on that 
band and antenna, while measuring the voltage on each of you other 
antenna feed lines. Use E squared over R to calculate what power level 
that voltage represents. Without the 50 ohm terminator tee-d to the 
scope input, most scopes will have a 1 megohm input impedance. almost 
open circuit. That would probably give you the highest voltage reading 
you're going to get, and you could suppose as a worst case scenario that 
voltage could also possibly (although not likely) appear across a 50 ohm 


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