[TenTec] Omni VI+ Intermittent Power Amp?

Peter Hoon peter at nednet.net
Sun Mar 11 19:55:07 EST 2007


Have you got suggestions for the case of intermittent power out from an Omni
VI Plus?

First year (May 2006 - March 2007) since I am the second owner, no
intermittent noticed; always got full 100 watts on all bands (10 M a little
low, around 90 W out).

Now in second year of ownership.  Very clean unit; complete and successful
receiver alignment matches ARRL MDS.

Suddenly, while operating on 40M CW, into perfectly 1:1 tuned loop via
Dentron tuner, can only get 7 to 9 watts out max on all bands.

Next day, try again, and get full power again on all bands for next 5 days.
Completely normal operation.

Hook to 300 W dummy load on bench.

Adjust bias pots to confirm linear class AB  output on SSB; Speech sounds
fine on adjacent receiver after adjustment; normal full power out after bias
pot adjustments.

All of a sudden, with no changes anywhere, can only get 7 to 9 watts out
again for next 24 hours.

Thinking it might be thermal, wait overnight for cold transceiver.  In
morning, cold, only 7 to 9 watts out. Two tries, same low power result.

Remove power amp module from rear.  Remove blue T wire and coax input from
jack 79. Careful inspection of top circuit board, shows no loose screws,
finals are clean, no obvious cold solder joints; replace blue wire and coax

I have MRF 454 finals.  Throughout testing, heat sink is hardly even warm to
touch.  Power meter on Dentron tuner and on Omni VI Plus match each other;
not a measurement problem.

Turn power out-put pot, front panel,  from min to max, and only 7 to 9 watts

Turn power output pot back to min again, move up to max, and bingo,
completely normal 100 watts out on all bands!

There were no changes.  What the heck is going on!

Would like to know if anyone elase has experienced this kind of transmit
intermittent with an Omni VI plus.  What did you find was the cause?

Am about to go back up and wiggle some more components and wires.

May also remove power amp circuit board and check the underside for cold
solder joints.

Thanks for suggestions and ideas; will report findings for posterity.

Nederland, Colorado

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