[TenTec] Amp Keying Relay Omni VI

Paul Christensen w9ac at arrl.net
Sat Mar 24 22:24:23 EST 2007

> The box switches 52v at 100ma.  Will the relay connection on the back 
> panel "Relay (N.O.)" handle that voltage and current?

The Omni Six's external keying relay will switch this voltage and current, 
but I recommend using a solid-state switch or high-voltage output transistor 
keyed from the TX OUT.jack using an RCA "Y" adapter between TX OUT and TX 
EN.  The third plug on the adapter is then connected to the solid-state 
switching device.   A 1N4148 steering diode is part of the TX OUT signal 
line and provides further isolation.

When I owned my Omni Six, I used a 2N5551 HV transistor mounted internal to 
the Omni.  However, two commercial circuits are available to make the job 
easier for those who would rather not modify the radio:



Using one of the above methods, keying from the Omni will be much faster and 
quieter than using the internal relay.

Paul. W9AC 

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