[TenTec] Titan III

Dennis OConnor ad4hk2004 at yahoo.com
Fri Nov 2 07:32:52 EST 2007

I have used the Titan III this past year...
  Also have some Henry's, including an Ultra...
  Used to have Dentrons / Heaths / etc.
  The Titan is a really nice QSK amp... It works fine in my hands... I usually tune up at ~40 W input, which gives 1200-1300 watts out, all modes, but  CW mostly...  The exhaust is barely warm to the hand at that power level... And is capable of more than 1500 without even breathing hard...
  Slightly noisy being on the bench right in my face compared to the Henry Ultra with the power deck in the next room - but not as noisy as 98% of other table amps <'much' quieter than most>..
  It is a big desk top amp with a big transformer and weighs 85 finger pinching pounds, so you don't move it around much...  If you think nothing of picking up a 90# bag of portland cement with one hand while you unscrew something with the other hand, this is the 'portable' amp for you...
  Look, the reality is that the big three USA amp manufacturers - Command / QRO / Ten Tec - all make amps that work as advertised... You can't go wrong with any one of these... It really comes down to the little things - QSK or not / color and looks /  size / what your buddys like....  The other intangible is that the other amp makers are a one man show... An accident or illness can put them out of business, whereas TT will be with us in the forseeable future...
  I like the smooth, designed for QSK from the start, operation of the Titan III... So I am a happy camper... All of these amps with screen grid tubes are different from GG triode amps and there is a small learning curve to operating them, but they give you more gain which allows the transceiver to run cooler...  At this point, the only thing that can get my Titan III away from me would be a Titan IV...

denny / k8do
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