[TenTec] Omni VI shuts down on Transmit

Thomas Jones n8nma at yahoo.com
Sat Nov 3 20:43:43 EST 2007

Well this may be of no help but my Paragon will do the
same thing if the SWR goes too high or if there is a
mismatch that it does not like. I have the matching
supply for the Paragon and when it does this, you shut
the supply off and turn it back on and all is well
unless you key it and the SWR or mismatch is big. Then
it will shut down again. May want to try it into a
dummy load and watch the SWR and see what happens.


--- W8KZW <w8kzw at arrl.net> wrote:

> Please forgive me if this question has been asked
> and answered previously on
> the list, but this is my first post so hopefully I
> have some "newbie"
> leeway!
> I just acquired a used Omni VI and matching power
> supply to love and hold
> dear in a prime position in the shack.  Receive is
> great, but both the rig
> and the power supply shut down after about 10 watts
> out.  I tried another
> power supply from my Corsair II, and it did the same
> thing.
> Thinking it might have something to do with the
> proximity of the rig to the
> power supply, I hooked up a 15 amp bench PS and gave
> it a shot.  Sure
> enough, lots more output, but only for a few
> seconds.  Now it all
> immediately shuts down when I go key-down in any
> mode!
> So, out of the frying pan into the fire.  I'm
> hopeful someone on the list
> can save me some time in troubleshooting here.
> Thanks in advance for your help!
> 73,
> Jeff
> Near Detroit
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