[TenTec] Titan III at 100% d.c.

Dennis OConnor ad4hk2004 at yahoo.com
Tue Nov 6 10:09:36 EST 2007

I stand corrected...  Didn't know that.... 
  Ran rtty a few weeks back with repeat CQ and noticed nothing amiss..  The amp did not look, smell, or feel hot...  
  But then, that is still not 100%, maybe 75-80% duty....
  Guess I was spoiled by the Henry(s) which didn't care what the operator did on his side of the cabinet...
  Sounds like some need to put $8K into an Alpha ...  I'll pass on that... 
  And I am idly considering another Titan III for the other bench to replace a Henry that wandered off to a new home when a fella wanted more than I...

denny / k8do
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