[TenTec] Omni VI and non TT Amp

Ken Brown ken.d.brown at hawaiiantel.net
Tue Nov 6 22:39:30 EST 2007

> I have an Omni V and an 811A...... I usually read 600 watts or so key-down (with TUNE),
Last time I had an amplifier using anything like 811A tubes, they were 
actually 572B, and it took two of them to get 650 to 800 watts out. It 
was a Heath SB-200. Is that really an 811A? I thought they were about 
the same as 572B, so I'm surprised to hear someone is getting 600 watts 
out of one. Maybe it is a new, special one, that runs cooler and puts 
out more power, using the same plate voltage, than the old tired ones I 
am used to.


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