[TenTec] OT: RFI from Plasma TV?

Martin Ewing - AA6E aa6e at ewing.homedns.org
Tue Nov 20 13:54:19 EST 2007


 From what I've read and heard, "plasma" TVs have a lot more potential 
for RFI generation than LCD and projection types.  I.e., they switch 
higher currents at RF rates.  On the other hand, the plasma problems can 
be engineered out.  Maybe they've learned something by now. (The FCC 
Part 15 regs are not much protection for weak signal HF work.  Remember 

For what it's worth, I've had a Sony Bravia LCD TV for a year now, with 
no RFI trouble with my Orion.  (My old VCR/DVD player did cause trouble 
until I chucked it.)

This is a topic for the rfi at contesting.com list!  Suggest QSY.

73 Martin AA6E

K5XS at aol.com wrote:
> My XYL is tired of my fixing our 25+ year-old Sony television.  I note  there 
> are some attractive prices on plasma TVs for "Black Friday."
> Does anyone know if the reports I've heard about serious plasma TV RFI  
> problems are true?  Will my Orion II be suffering while the family is  watching?
> Thanks for any thoughts.
> Happy Thanksgiving, everyone.
> Bernie
> K5XS

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