[TenTec] FS: Corsair II Station

Jerry Volpe kg6tt at arrl.net
Fri Nov 23 22:50:23 EST 2007

I am selling my remaining analog Ten-Tec stations this week. These are 
VERY nice setups (those of you who bought from me before know I take 
excellent care of my equipment). Everything works correctly, aligned 
properly and cosmetically very special.

I haven't set prices as yet other than a 'don't bother below this 
minimum' so I will be entertaining offers for the next few days... but 
just for entire systems, not component by component. If the offers are 
too low I'll then sell each component by popular auction site.

System 1:

Corsair II (9.5 of 10)
263 Remote PTO for Corsair II (9.5 of 10)
Model 260 Power Supply for Corsair II (8.5 of 10... scratch, not through 
paint, on one side of case)
1.8kHz crystal filter
500 Hz crystal filter
KR-1B Iambic paddles for Corsair II (9.5 of 10)
Original manuals

No offers below $700 plus shipping will be considered.

(see other listing for Omni-C station)

Ralph Jerald "Jerry" Volpe
Amateur Radio Operator KG6TT
FISTS 12304
788 Chestnut Drive
Fairfield, CA 94533

kg6tt at arrl.net

510 325-7724
707 399-8838 FAX

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