[TenTec] 311
Alan Sewell
alan.n5na at gmail.com
Mon Nov 26 13:29:28 EST 2007
I stand corrected on the availability of the 311!
Rick, VE7TK, contacted Ten-Tec and was advised by Paul Clinton the 311
is NOT discontinued but is a current product and they will be happy to
send a schematic to anyone who needs one.
The only reference to the 311 on the Ten-Tec website that I could find
is in their Old News page at http://radio.tentec.com/WhatNew/OldNews
under 06/10/03.
Alan N5NA
Alan Sewell wrote:
> Some info on the 311 is at http://www.tentecwiki.org/doku.php?id=311 .
> It is no longer available from Ten-Tec.
> 73, Alan N5NA
> http://www.tentecwiki.org
> philip c anderson wrote:
>> What is the 311 band data converter? Could not find it on the web site.
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