[TenTec] Corsair II PTO Problems

Rick Denney rick at rickdenney.com
Wed Nov 28 14:43:58 EST 2007

hamradio at twcny.rr.com writes...

> Thanks, what was the rig after the cosair II?

The Paragon, which was Ten Tec's first general-coverage receiver. The
Omni V appear a year or two later, with a ham-bands-only receiver.
Both used digitally synthesized VFO's.

Rick, KR9D

Richard W. Denney, Jr. PE|Iteris, Inc.              |
Associate Vice President |107 Carpenter Dr. Ste 230 |    703.925.3819
rwd at iteris.com           |Sterling, VA 20164        |Fax 703.471.1757

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