[TenTec] Hercules finals

Harry Coates wa8hc1 at charter.net
Fri Nov 30 12:59:55 EST 2007


In July 2006 I had to refuel my Hercules II..
It is true the schematic shows MRF 458's as finals, they are out of manufacture.. Mine had SD 1405's in it., they are out of manufacture also.. I believe TT used some others for short periods, MRF 456 comes to mind.. You would have a tough time finding enough of these to do the job.. You should replace all the finals with 8 matched units.. I know some people have replaced 1 or 2 and got away with it, not sure for how long.. The value of a Hercules II is worth doing it right, it's not worth much without good finals.. 

With help from Joe at RF Parts I replaced all 8 units with matched TOSHIBA 2SC2879's, for $198.00 shipped.. The only differance was the idle currant was set at 100ma instead of 500ma.. The Herc works great and old "AL" is smilling on me again.. 

I believe the Hercules II came in with the Paragon and OMNI V.. I used mine with a Corsair and the only thing differant was the auto band switching cable, 30m was on with 20m instead of on with 40m to make the Herc II operate the proper filters..
I don't know for sure but I suspect the Hercules 444 had 30m/20m and the Hercules II has 40m/30m..

I have a "Closet Kilowatt" and share the 240 Hercules II and 253 Auto AT with all my TX/RX..

I hope you are only looking for info, and don't have to redo the finals in your Herc..

I have no interest in RF Parts other than thier great service, nor do I have any interest In TOSHIBA.. 


'73 to all and a "Merry Christmas",


Harry Coates
wa8hc1 at charter.net

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