[TenTec] Tuning Rigs

OTAKEBI at aol.com OTAKEBI at aol.com
Mon Oct 1 17:39:59 EDT 2007

Nothing beats an MFJ 259 or 259B Analyzer.
I had a Palomar Tuner Tuner and did not like it.
I have the MFJ 259 hooked up to a jack on an ant. switch.
All I do is switch the 259 in line set the freq. display on the 259 to  the 
freq I want to tune to and adjust the transmatch for a flat SWR at  50 ohm.
No one hears anything on the air and when I switch the ant. switch  back to 
the rig the MFJ goes offline and I have a perfect match.
The plus is I can use it for all kinds of ant. work when I need to.
It also has a frequency counter and it can be used to send out a  signal and 
use it as a frequency generator.
Great product and well worth the price even a better deal if you can find a  
used one like I did.

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