[TenTec] What Am I Missing?

Kim Elmore cw_de_n5op at sbcglobal.net
Tue Oct 2 10:10:53 EDT 2007

OK, I'm now thoroughly confused.

I have finally recovered (I think) from a lightning strike I 
experienced earlier this summer. It took out my O II, computer, 
antenna switch and the balun on my 80 m vertical dipole (a F12 Sigma 
80). Save for a bad rotator (that has nothing to do with the 
lightning strike) everything seems to be fixed now and the ARRL 
insurance really did spring for another O II (up to the insured value 
of the old one, which was set at the older price). The new O II came 
with 2.039d installed, so the firmware is the latest available version.

So, here I am, playing with Ham Radio Deluxe and I plug in 10.000000 
MHz into VFO A (the main rx), intending to plug it into VFO B. Lo and 
behold! VFO A goes to 10 MHz and I hear WWV! With the Main tuning 
knob, I can't go below 10.050000 MHz, yet here I am. Curious, I start 
tuning with all over the place with HRD and the O II dutifully goes 
there and appears to work (though I don't know with what 
characteristics). It also appears to transmit into a dummy load 
(using he internal tuner) around frequencies close to the ham bands. 
I didn't try anything way outside the ham bands (8 MHz, 20 MHz, 27 
MHz, etc.). I do note, however, that the main tuning knob is not 
functional when tuned outside the "normal" limits. As soon as I enter 
a frequency that is in the normal limits, the main tuning knob 
functions properly.

I can enter nonsense frequencies, like 90 MHz or 0.1 MHz, but I can't 
tell if the rx works and I did not try transmitting there.

I admit to being pretty self-absorbed over the summer, dealing with 
all sorts of family issues, so I must have missed something on the 
reflector. Is this common knowledge? What's really going on?

Oh, and yes: I hear the garbage on 14.220, too.

Kim Elmore, N5OP

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