[TenTec] dual receive

Barry N1EU barry.n1eu at gmail.com
Tue Oct 2 13:14:42 EDT 2007

Ross, I believe you're correct.  With the Orions, you actually have
two separate receivers and all operating controls are independent and

Barry N1EU

On 10/2/07, kdl8932 <w6fg at pacbell.net> wrote:
> Hello All,
>   One of the things I liked best about the older T-T rigs was the dual receive feature. What a great weapon when digging into the pile-ups! I assume that the only current Ten-Tec rig with that capability is the Orion. Can anyone confirm this? Secondly, when using this mode with the Orion (both Orion and Orion II?) are the volumes of each frequency totally independent of each other and individually adjustable? I love my Omni VI opt 3 but I dooo miss dual receive.
>   Tnx for replies,
>   Ross
>   W6FG
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