[TenTec] reduce RF Gain on a Scout?

ron roncasa at verizon.net
Wed Oct 3 16:02:38 EDT 2007

On Wed, 2007-10-03 at 14:43 -0500, Stuart Rohre wrote:
> Ken,
> The RF gain is set by a fixed resistor.  The mod, substituted a pot for that 
> resistor. If you are into the radio to change a resistor, you might as well 
> make it an added pot on the back panel, if you don't think you will change 
> it much.  Flat cable can be used to bring the wires into the board.

That's nice to know but ...

if you look inside the Scouts, there is no printed component
identification on the PCB's. (hmmmm, where is C401???)   

Unless this "mod" you are referring to physically displays where it is.

I wanted to change a 'lytic to effect the AGC and gave up because the
schematic ID the component as "C401" but the PCB's has no printed
component identification. 

Just a note.

Ron, wb1hga
"the Scout is also a keeper"

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