[TenTec] Omni VII Question

Bob McGraw - K4TAX RMcGraw at Blomand.net
Wed Oct 3 21:27:36 EDT 2007

Thanks to all that responded both via the reflector and privately.  Good 

In general the Omni VII has a much lower internal noise floor than most of 
the earlier rigs mentioned.  This allows the noise via the antenna to be 
heard more readily.  At the same time with the input of the Omni VII 
terminated the noise is non-existent.  That leads me to believe that the 
noise was always there,  I just didn't hear it.

As to the S-meter calibration, I first had thoughts that this was a strange 
way to do it.  Then after using it for a while, it works great and the S 
meter reading is always accurately referenced to 50 uV being S-9 regardless 
of the preamp gain or input attenuation or RF gain setting.

The NR works OK in the 1 to 4 range but gets ragged on SSB above 5.  I 
usually end up with a 1 to 3 for the value.

As to the AN function, I need to listen to 40M a bit more in the evening. 
At this point I will say that it produces some strange artifacts.  Listening 
to a SSB QSO adjacent to a SW station producing about a 400 Hz note, the AN 
function has "pings" that come through.  More or less depending on the 
adjustment value.

At the same time, using the NCH function, it kills the heterodyne in fine 
style.  I really like the frequency/bandwidth adjustable combination of the 

As to filters, I have a 500 Hz filter that should be shipped to me next 
week.  Jury is still out on this point.  I do know that the steeper the 
skirts, the more they ring so there is usually some value of compromise.

>From my viewpoint, I agree that the Omni VII is a very clean launch.  I'm 
looking hard to find any ills that may exist.  Those that I have observed 
are more like, "what flavor do you like?" type issues and certainly nothing 
to raise concern.  As to major crashes, lock-up, needed re-starts, slow 
processor response.........none observed or found and thus of no concern.

Very glad I made the purchase and would suggest others take a look very 
seriously at this radio.  Good value!

Bob, K4TAX

----- Original Message ----- 
From: <k8vf_mark at centurytel.net>
To: <tentec at contesting.com>
Sent: Wednesday, October 03, 2007 6:52 PM
Subject: [TenTec] Omni VII Question

> One reason we might be hearing more noise is that the Omni VII has a much
> lower noise floor than the Omni C........if memory serves me,  -128 on 160
> meters VS -140...quite an improvement in sensitivity.  TEN TEC correctly
> reasoned that on the lower bands, more was not needed on the older rigs.
> On the lower(160,80,40) bands, I wind up with 18dB of attenuation in and 
> rf
> gain cut back 5% or so most of the time.
> (I still wish the "S" meter worked like the Omni VI, though......reduce rf
> gain until "S" meter drops to zero and you are all set......I am 
> unconcerned
> with a lab standard "S" meter since each antenna and installation makes it
> moot.....I know, I know, I am the ONLY guy who liked it that way, but it 
> was
> much nicer to operate "at the noise threshold")
> The noise reduction does add some artifacts on cw. I can't use it there.
> On SSB is is great in my opinion.  A "Peaking" function like on Omni VI
> would be the cat's pajamas!
> The CW filters have 2 issues which I hope are addressed:
> 1-they need to go narrower, 200 Hz just isnt narrow enough WITH THE SLOPE 
> OF
> 2 the slope of the filters needs to be steeper in my opinion. I feel the
> same way about the cw filters in the omni VI. Not steep enough. (Perhaps a
> choice in slope?)
> I find that I am using a lower pitch cw note on the VII than I have ever
> used. It "hears" better with a 500 or 550 Hz note in my opinion.  I have
> used an 800 or 750 note for years. Not sure why this one would be 
> different.
> There are still a few things which will be changed, I am sure.
> It would be nice if the ATTN followed the bands, but ATTN on other rigs is 
> a
> hardware switch and doesn't follow the bands so it is a nit pick.
> Some settings are changed too quickly with the multi knob, some are too
> slow. (perhaps a choice in rate of change?)
> The Omni VII is "Different" from the Asian rigs in many ways. Obviously 
> the
> receiver is more bullet proof.
> Some "bells and whistles" are missing.  Do we need them? Everyone's answer
> will be different.
> In my opinion the Omni VII is the best "launch" of any of the newer rigs 
> and
> it is getting better all of the time.
> I am looking forward to the improvements!
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