[TenTec] Using BeaconSee with Orion?

Dean Shutt al7cr at punakea.com
Thu Oct 4 16:03:17 EDT 2007

It works perfectly, I use it quite frequently.  I made a special setup 
file for the Orion using 57600 baud, 8N2.

The 20 meter command string is:


The others are identical simply change the frequency to the appropriate 
value i.e 18.11, 21.15, 24.93, 28.2


John Buck wrote:
> Does anyone have BeaconSee set up to talk to an Orion?
> If so I would like a copy of the interface setup or at least information 
> about how to send the cr character to the Orion from the BeaconSee radio 
> interface.
> Aloha,
> John KH7T
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