[TenTec] Triton IV vs the Argonaut V

Mike Bryce prosolar at sssnet.com
Sat Oct 13 13:29:54 EDT 2007


yesterday I had some extra time in the shack and decided to fire up  
one of the old Triton IVs I have .

I also fired up the Argonaut V.

Now, using the same antenna.

The noise level on the Argonaut V was running between S-5 and S-9

On the trition, very little S-meter movement was seen and it was just  
not that noisy

so I decided to test the receiver's sensitivity with the HP signal  
generator. I injected the signal in place of the antennas

At 50uV I got S-9 on both rigs. At 1uV I could detect the signal. At . 
5uV I could still hear the signal from the generator. Although the  
triton had a harder time hearing at that level.

Applying the attn on the Argonaut V, reduces the noise level, but as  
suspected reduces the signal strength  of in coming signals, too

So bottom line? Why is the Argonaut V so much noisier than the old  

Mike, WB8VGE
SunLight Energy Systems
The Heathkit Shop
J e e p
Note: No trees were killed in the sending of this message, but a  
large number of electrons were terribly inconvenienced

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