[TenTec] Orion 1 sub-receiver problem

G.C. g.crosta at tin.it
Sat Oct 13 14:53:55 EDT 2007

Dear all,

I want to submit a problem occurred to my Orion I transceiver.

The radio has installed the firmware version 2.062a with the v2 hardware modification to the Logic/DSP board.

I haven't any problems with the radio since last week but now the sub-receiver seems dead and I listen only a bad noise.

I realized that because the SPLIT function was ON and I don't listen nothing on one ear.

I have re-loaded the software and initially the radio seems to work properly but after I switched off it the sub-receiver doesn't work at all.

Nothing happen after a Master reset or Ram clear.

So, I don't know what happen and I would like to know what I should do.

Could you help me please? May I have a suggestion from your side? Did it already happen to anybody else?

I thank you in advance for your attention.

Best regards,


P.S. I submitted this message also to Ten Tec service and I hope to receive some info from Paul.

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