[TenTec] Cooling an Omni VI?

Ken Brown ken.d.brown at hawaiiantel.net
Sun Oct 14 14:33:56 EDT 2007

Hi Darrel,

You said, in part

"I need to pull air through the side vents and out the back"

"Reason is rig is mounted in a relatively tight cabinet with
only 1/2 inch of clearance on the sides and top"

I say:

If the rig does not need this additional air flow inside it to keep cool 
when there is plenty of clearance around it, then it should not need any 
more internal air flow in your tight clearance situation. Air flow on 
the outside ought to be enough to compensate for the tight clearance. I 
suggest a fan behind the TX heat sink, pulling air from the front of the 
rig, around the sides, top and bottom, blowing it out away from the rig 
in back. No need for any modifications to the rig, and no need to have 
the possible stability problems in the master oscillator and BFOs that 
internal air flow might cause.


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